Texting has become the preferred form of communication among consumers, with 93 percent recognizing it as a trusted channel. In a recent interiew with iconectiv’s Senior Account Director Michael Gilbert, industry analyst and Black Swan Telecom Journal Editor Dan Baker discusses growth in text message engagement and how text-enabled toll-free phone numbers are creating an opportunity for…
In addition to weeding out illegal robocalls and spam, the STIR/SHAKEN framework can be leveraged to help restore call-answer rates for legitimate businesses. At SIPNOC 2020, iconectiv experts will join other industry leaders to provide actionable advice and best practices for enabling the highest level of caller verification and supporting the security of the next-generation of communications…
Rich Business Messaging powered by Rich Communication Services (RCS) has the potential to create a relationship with consumers that are both virtual and uniquely personal, but for companies to realize the benefits, consumer trust must be inherent from the start. In this GSMA webinar, iconectiv’s Chief Product Officer Michael O’Brien will explore the positive financial and reputational impact that…
In 2019, Americans received more than 58 billion robocalls and 4.5 billion spam text messages according to industry reports, demonstrating the need for the industry to implement a verification strategy across voice, text and digital communication channels to increase trust. Re-establishing trust was the focus of two recent executive panels presented by the Network Media Group (NMG). Featuring…
iconectiv’s Chief Product Officer Michael O’Brien has been appointed to the CTIA Wireless Foundation Board of Directors. As a board member, O’Brien will provide counsel on the direction of the organization and its programs, helping ensure the foundation has the resources to maintain its mission, strategy and goals. An organization committed to supporting the positive social impact of wireless…
One-ring wangiri fraud is a global scourge that’s increased 300 percent over the past few years. Under an FCC Report and Order effective Feb. 12, 2021, U.S. service providers may block calls from telephone numbers that are highly likely to be associated with one-ring robocall scams if they use reasonable analytics in deciding which telephone numbers to block. iconectiv TruNumber Protect gives…
Telecommunications services like calls and messages are fundamental to everyday existence, and service providers heavily depend on the availability of affordable and interoperable technologies to meet customer expectations for reliability. The Global System Mobile Association (GSMA) launched a new process for the governance and approval of industry specifications, including the creation of the…
Representatives of Chilean service providers and other telecom industry leaders will be participating in a collaborative workshop led by iconectiv.
Managed by a subsidiary of iconectiv since 2011, Chilean businesses and consumers have embraced convenience of number portability program
The issue of unwanted phone calls is the top complaint registered with the FCC and FTC as consumers continue to have their lives disrupted day and night.