the Pulse
iconectiv's blog, the Pulse, features thought leadership pieces and articles about telecommunications industry trends, including fraud prevention, digital identity verification and efficient call routing,providing insights into industry challenges and solutions.

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Press Releases

Media Contact:
Sharon Oddy
Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications
+1 732 699-5130

press release

Expanding the Role of Toll-Free Voice Lines While Ensuring Consumer Trust

iconectiv will join the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) for a webinar, Numbers Matter: Building Brand and Keeping Customer Trust in Omni-channel, that will explore the growing role of toll-free numbers for customer engagement. This will include a closer look at how toll-free numbers can be used to improve revenue and relationships. With trust paramount, brands are rediscovering the power of toll-free numbers for calls and texts that benefit from the underlying confidence customers have in the toll-free channel.
May 4, 2020
press release

Live Webinar Co-hosted by iconectiv and VanillaPlus Focuses on Establishing Consumer Trust with RCS for Business Messaging

VanillaPlus and iconectiv will host a free webinar, How Telcos Can Rebuild Trust In Communications with Rich Communication Services, on April 22, 2020, 3 p.m. UK | 10 a.m. ET. The webinar offers an in-depth conversation with industry visionaries who are building the next wave of B2C communications on a trusted foundation that will ultimately help protect businesses, promote customer-brand relationships and better engage consumers.
Apr 14, 2020
press release

Will Efforts to Block Illegal Robocalls Negatively Impact Legitimate Businesses?

With illegal robocalls representing nearly half of all unwanted calls in 2019, the new Signature-based Handling of Asserted information using toKENs (SHAKEN) is helping to rebuild consumer confidence and trust in the U.S. by mitigating the impact of the criminals. However, as international calls will also pass through the SHAKEN service, overseas service providers need to be fully aware of the process to ensure their calls are properly authenticated and verified, and not inadvertently blocked due to lack of trust in the authentication information or lack of authentication altogether.
Mar 27, 2020
press release

¿Tendrán un impacto negativo sobre los negocios los esfuerzos por bloquear las llamadas automáticas ilegales?

Como las llamadas automáticas ilegales representan casi la mitad de las llamadas indeseadas en 2019, el nuevo manejo basado en firmas de información confirmada mediante toKENs (SHAKEN) está ayudando a recuperar la confianza del consumidor y confiar en que EE.UU. está mitigando el impacto de los delincuentes. Sin embargo, como las llamadas internacionales también pasaran por el servicio SHAKEN, los proveedores de servicios extranjeros deberán comprender muy bien el proceso para garantizar que sus llamadas sean correctamente autenticadas y verificadas, y no inadvertidamente bloqueadas por desconfiar en la información de autenticación o falta de autenticación.
Mar 27, 2020
press release

Removing the Risk That Could Impede Adoption of Rich Business Messaging

Rich Business Messaging, powered by Rich Communication Services (RCS), is poised to be the new wave of messaging technology offering enhanced features like read receipts, video, group chat and paying for services. In order for it to live up to its potential, service providers and businesses must provide consumers with the information they need to verify the authenticity of Rich Business Messaging chatbots and the conversations they represent.
Mar 24, 2020
press release

As Caller ID Spoofing and Illegal Robocalls Skyrocket, Regulators, Service Providers Can Restore Trust in Caller ID

As a trusted partner in the global communications ecosystem, iconectiv is helping to address this growing, global problem with the launch of TruReach Certify. TruReach Certify is the foundation that helps ensure only legitimate and trusted entities can participate in the STIR/SHAKEN Caller ID ecosystem. It helps service providers authenticate caller IDs from law-abiding subscribers and businesses so consumers can trust caller ID information.
Feb 19, 2020
press release

Strategizing to Mitigate the Misuse of Telecom Networks

Shaping the future of trusted communications and a debate about upcoming technologies and trends await visitors at ITEXPO 2020, which takes place February 11-14 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Experts from iconectiv will be taking the stage, focusing on strategies for the reduction of robo-driven spam calling and the best ways to maximize the potential of VoIP. Spam calls with spoofed caller IDs have reached unprecedented levels in the U.S.—to the point where many people simply refuse to answer their phones. These calls are easily the biggest segment of consumer complaints to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the number continues to climb, with billions of robocalls reported every month. Helping to restore trust in communications is a key priority for the industry as a whole—as well as a critical focus for iconectiv.
Feb 6, 2020

In the news


Mapping Out Your Retail Strategy for the Future: 7 Trends to Consider

Over the last two years, retailers have been exploring the use of text messaging in addition to their email marketing. 2021 is likely to see SMS messaging supersede email messaging as retail’s gold standard for messaging channels. In this article, iconectiv’s Cliff Holsenbeck gives advice for retailers looking to utilize SMS messaging in their retail strategy.
Dec 2, 2020

Executive Broadcast, International Verification

As countries implement SHAKEN-based Calling Number Verification Services, for verifying legitimate calls and rebuilding consumer trust in caller ID, the industry needs to consider the impact on international call traffic. To ensure businesses are not disadvantaged, there is a need for authoritative guidelines for international service providers, to ensure the rules for handling their calls are clearly understood. Watch this executive broadcast with leaders in STIR/SHAKEN, here and abroad.
Nov 30, 2020

Omni-Channel Verification - Executive Broadcast

Consumer trust in communications must transcend all touch points – from voice to messaging to chatbot interactions. Trust should not be a nice-to-have, it should be an expectation. In this executive broadcast, iconectiv’s CPO Mike O’Brien explores omni-channel verification and how the ecosystem—from technology vendors, service providers, messaging providers, enterprises and regulators—can collaborate to deliver trusted communications.
Nov 25, 2020

iconectiv is a Digiday Technology Awards winner

iconectiv’s TruReach Deliver Aerialink has won the 2020 Digiday Technology Award for best mobile marketing platform. This year’s awards winners played foundational roles in enabling media companies and marketers to earn money from their content, reach their audiences and make the most of digital real estate. Aerialink was chosen because it simplifies message creation and delivery while allowing companies to efficiently and cost effectively reach customers with personalized, value-based business text messages.
Nov 17, 2020

Secure Telephone Identity Governance Authority Progresses Fight to Mitigate Illegal Robocalling by Welcoming Its 50th Service Provider

As a strong indicator of the industry’s commitment to fighting illegal robocalling, the Secure Telephone Identity Policy Administrator (STI-PA) has registered its 50th authorized service provider (SP). SPs must be approved to secure access to the certificates needed to sign and validate calls to mitigate caller ID spoofing. The addition of a 50th SP takes place with the FCC mandate for service providers to implement more than seven months away.
Nov 11, 2020

Restoring Trust in Calling Information Is Key for Maximizing Call and Text-Answer Rates

Americans were inundated with more than 58 billion illegal robocalls in 2019, plus 4.5 billion spam text messages. Consumers are so fed up that when they see a call from an unfamiliar or unidentified number, they let it drop into voicemail 76 percent of the time. In this Connections Magazine article, iconectiv’s Mike O’Brien explores the telecom ecosystem battle against illegal robocallers and SMS fraudsters, and why it’s essential to restore consumer confidence in legitimate calls.
Nov 2, 2020

Convenient & Spam-Free: Why 800-Number Texting (8MS) is a Growing B2C Channel in North America

Texting is catching on as the preferred way to contact businesses. Texting is widely available, 93% of people consider text a trusted communication, and 85% of people prefer sending a message to a business to get information about products and services. In this article, Black Swan Telecom Journal interviews iconectiv’s Michael Gilbert on the company’s text-enabling B2C communications program and why text is increasingly preferred over voice.
Oct 19, 2020