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In the news
Be Careful, Those Political Texts Could Be a Scam
Kim Baldonado of NBC 4 LA reports on political text messaging fraud. She warns that scammers pose as political candidates or campaigns and use this ruse to get money and personal information from voters. In an interview, iconectiv’s Senior Vice President, George Cray, explains how consumers can protect themselves – listing red flags to watch out for. For example, Cray warns that text messages sent from an unknown 10-digit number asking for personal information are likely from fraudsters.
Oct 21, 2022
Telecom heroes unite! – iconectiv joining forces with a legion of fraud fighters
In a telecom world filled with villains, CFCA members are unveiling their identities as fraud fighting superheroes dedicated to stopping malicious actors from stealing consumers’ money and identities. These vigilant guardians have been protecting the communications infrastructure for a long time – sharing insights and best practices.
iconectiv, a provider of telecom solutions, is proud to have its own legion of trusted communications superheroes that have been an integral part of this…
Sep 30, 2022
CSPs look to ramp up revenues with origin-based rating
Communications service providers (CSPs) have woken up to the fact they have been leaving revenue on the table by not charging termination rates based on the origin of a call.
For years, CSPs had charged flat rate termination fees regardless of the call’s originating country, the service provider and the type of connection used. The last decade’s increased pressure on voice and data revenues has sent CSPs searching for new sources of revenue and this previously flat rate business has now been…
Sep 21, 2022
Why Rich Call Data is Key for Thwarting Fraudsters and Building Consumer Trust
When fraudsters win, everyone loses: mobile operators, consumers, and legitimate businesses. Unfortunately, for over a decade, fraudsters have been winning, inundating Americans with an average of 60 billion illegal robocalls each year. That’s conditioned people to let calls from unfamiliar/unidentified numbers drop into voicemail 76% of the time. But even with that precaution, they’ll still lose an estimated $40 billion to fraudulent robocalls in 2022.
Meanwhile, service providers including…
Sep 8, 2022
Well done, Fraud Fighter. I Now Promote You to Superhero of Trusted Communications
Exactly how do you explain your telecom fraud fighter job to someone at a cocktail party? That’s a tough task! The trouble is it may take time to explain the context – describe how telecom services are delivered and paid for, then show how criminals steal money by corrupting the process. A faster path is to use an analogy and say, “My job is be a kind of detective of crimes committed against telecom providers.” That analogy works, but iconectiv has come up with an even better one.
Aug 19, 2022
iconectiv launches Trusted Communications Superhero campaign
The way in which consumers and businesses communicate and how societies operate is a key reason why companies are anticipated to spend US $2.8 trillion on digital transformation globally by 2025.
In the shadows of communication service providers (CSPs) globally, a squadron of advanced and intelligent superheroes are diligently working to keep the integrity of the communications infrastructure and the relevancy of the communication channels intact. These superheroes are fighting to…
Aug 1, 2022
Changing your cell phone company without changing your number is now a right
Argentina’s leading database administrator for number portability – Administradora de la Base de Datos (ABD) – is a strategic association made up of iconectiv and Telmark, a partnership agreement that is expected to last until 2026.
Telephone numbers are considered a part of a person's identity, acting almost like a bar code that works as a multi-operator identifier worldwide. So, having a good quality numbering system, updated with the progress of technological demand, and compatible…
May 2, 2022
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Press Releases
Media Contact:
Sharon Oddy
Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications
+1 732 699-5130
Sharon Oddy
Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications
+1 732 699-5130
press release
With fraud on the rise and mobile phone numbers now acting as individuals’ digital identities, a perfect storm is brewing in the UK
In the most recent Trending Tech Podcast, iconectiv’s Peter Ford and Omnisperience’s Teresa Cottam discuss the pressing issue of digital fraud as well as the latest trends impacting the telecom space
LONDON and BRIDGEWATER, N.J – April 26, 2023
According to a recently published white paper from Omnisperience, ‘UK Digital Fraud: There’s a gap in the UK digital infrastructure and it’s letting fraud in,’ as the UK continues to chart its path toward a modern digital…
Apr 26, 2023
press release
iconectiv use case substantiates how standardized site data maximizes revenue and ROI for companies that own towers and network sites
Reveals how industry-standard nomenclature supports faster, more efficient network planning for service provider customers
What’s the News? A new use case from iconectiv validates how companies that own towers and other network sites that support communications interconnection can gain a competitive advantage by using a common language to describe site assets and locations.
Why it Matters? When it comes to network planning, visibility into all available towers and network sites supports…
Apr 25, 2023
press release
As regulators around the world combat the rise in illegal robocalls, call centers and businesses must adapt in order to get legitimate calls through to consumers
Upcoming Conecta Mexico session with iconectiv’s Bob Grant explores the challenges, opportunities and considerations for business calls being properly delivered to international destinations
What: Consumers are tethered to their phones – an extension of their identity and the single most essential tool for interacting with the world and navigating their day-to-day lives. But despite constant…
Apr 11, 2023
press release
New iconectiv use case highlights how streamlined ordering, interconnection and billing can light up wholesale fiber revenues and ROI
What’s the News: As service providers roll out 5G and densify their networks, they are increasingly looking to the other companies in the telecom space, including fiber providers for cell site backhaul, additional capacity in the core network and interconnection to other service providers. A new iconectiv use case explains how wholesale fiber companies can streamline and simplify their interactions with their service provider customers to secure greater market share.
Why it…
Apr 6, 2023
press release
The new opportunity for tower companies in a 5G era
iconectiv and other industry leaders discuss how tower companies are tapping into new revenue streams and helping service providers accelerate 5G rollouts
Tower companies play a critical role in the deployment of 5G technology—not only by owning and leasing tower space to telecom service providers—but also through their ability to help them build out 5G networks quickly while seamlessly supporting new services and activations. With 4.8 billion 5G subscriptions…
Apr 4, 2023
press release
Greece Continues to Foster Consumer Choice and Convenience with iconectiv Number Portability New Contract
What’s the News: iconectiv has been providing mobile number portability service in Greece since 2004. After winning the new public tender, iconectiv will continue providing mobile and fixed number portability service for an additional five years in Greece, which is one of a few countries in the world offering portability for both types of telecom service.
Why it Matters: For nearly 20 years, Greece has been a trailblazer in offering number portability, which helps drive innovation…
Mar 8, 2023
press release
How Trusted Communications Superheroes are Winning the Battle Against Fraud and Operational Inefficiency to Protect Customers and the Bottom Line
iconectiv executives showcase how communication service providers are mitigating
fraud, caller ID spoofing, smishing, illegal robocalling, network inefficiency and more
What’s the News: Years of rapid technology and regulatory innovation have created major revenue streams and market opportunities for service providers. They have also increased the need for new ways to mitigate fraud, errors and inefficiencies.
Why it Matters: Fraud like illegal robocalls, nuisance calls and messaging…
Feb 15, 2023
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