the Pulse
iconectiv's blog, the Pulse, features thought leadership pieces and articles about telecommunications industry trends, including fraud prevention, digital identity verification and efficient call routing,providing insights into industry challenges and solutions.

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Press Releases

Media Contact:
Sharon Oddy
Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications
+1 732 699-5130

press release

New Messaging Solution Helps Companies Avoid Spamming, Protect Brand Reputations, Focus on Quality Consumer Engagement

iconectiv® Right Party Verification for Messaging is now available, a new service for mobile marketers, messaging aggregators and contact centers to deliver targeted communications, less unwanted spam and happier customers.
Apr 3, 2017
press release

Sangeeta Roy of iconectiv Named to Women in Cable Telecommunications (WICT) 2017 Rising Leaders Program

iconectiv’s Head of Technology Operations Chosen for Immersive Leadership Development Program as One of Industry’s Top Emerging Talent.
Mar 23, 2017
press release

Industry White Paper Addresses Rise of Fraudulent Mobile Account Takeover

Paper examines how validating mobile identity can help financial institutions and service providers curtail widespread consumer fraud.
Mar 23, 2017
press release

Argentina Extends Mobile Number Portability Service Contract

Two-year contract extension with iconectiv subsidiary Administradora de la Portabilidad Argentina S.A. (APA) ensures transparency and reliability for consumers and businesses that maintain their mobile number when switching providers.
Mar 16, 2017
press release

Argentina extiende el contrato del servicio de portabilidad numérica móvil

La extensión por dos años del contrato con Administradora de la Portabilidad Argentina S.A. (APA), filial de iconectiv, garantiza la transparencia y confiabilidad del proceso mediante el cual los consumidores y las empresas pueden conservar su número de teléfono móvil cuando cambian de prestador movil.
Mar 16, 2017
press release

Detecting, Preventing and Mitigating Fraud on Expanding Service Provider Networks

iconectiv Director of Product Management, Chip Stevens, to Address Communications Fraud Professionals at CFCA Winter Educational Event
Mar 14, 2017
press release

iconectiv to Host Testing Webcast

iconectiv, the next Local Number Portability Administrator (LNPA) for all seven U.S. regions, continues to move forward with the transition of the new Number Portability Administration Center (NPAC) and is preparing to begin the testing phase of the transition for Service Providers, Service Bureaus, and Providers of Telecom-related Services.
Mar 8, 2017

In the news


What Your Texting Vendor Probably Isn’t Telling You

I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve had to tell someone that sending broadcast text messages from a regular phone number is a big no, no. These conversations are a constant reminder of just how far texting has evolved as a campaign tactic. Once a novelty, it’s now a necessary day-to-day tool that most campaigns use as part of their supporter and fundraising cultivation programs, as well as for field through their volunteer organizing and voter outreach campaigns. But…
Mar 20, 2019

Community Demos at ONS to Highlight LFN Project Harmonization and More

A little more than one year since LF Networking (LFN)came together, the project continues to demonstrate strategic growth, with Telstra coming on in November, and the umbrella project representing ~70% of the world’s mobile subscribers. Working side by side with service providers in the technical projects has been critical to ensure that work coming out of LFN is relevant and useful for meeting their requirements. A small sample of these integrations and innovations will be on display once…
Mar 18, 2019

DHS efforts to ensure a secure supply chain

Director Bob Kolasky from the National Risk Management Center outlines the goals and priorities of the Department of Homeland Security’s new Supply Chain Security Task Force. Watch the video.
Mar 17, 2019

Chris Drake Provides Expert Insights for Reply All Podcast

iconectiv CTO Chris Drake’s insights on robocalling and the national STIR/SHAKEN initiative were used in a recent Reply All podcast, episode #138, The Great Momo Panic. The podcasters discuss how robocallers are able to spoof telephone numbers and what can be done about it.  Jump to the 18:40 mark to hear the discussion. Listen to the podcast.  
Mar 14, 2019

5G, RCS and virtual everything – key themes from Mobile World Congress 2019

While AI and robot-themed exhibits continued to draw crowds, the event also focused on the current challenges facing service providers – namely how to accelerate the global rollout of 5G while also adapting to changing business models.
Mar 7, 2019

CISA’s ICT Supply Chain Risk Management Task Force Launches Work Streams

WASHINGTON – The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and government and industry members of the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Supply Chain Risk Management Task Force gathered in Washington this week and last week as part of the Task Force’s ongoing efforts to identify and develop collaborative solutions to global supply chain risk.  In addition to an ongoing inventory effort of existing public and private supply chain efforts, the Task Force is…
Feb 26, 2019

Interview with Kathy Timko Who Oversaw “Largest It Project In Us Telecom Industry History”

It was called the largest IT project in United States telecom industry history, and Kathy Timko, of iconectiv (Bridgewater), was overseeing it to completion.
Jan 28, 2019