Press Releases

Media Contact:
Sharon Oddy
Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications
+1 732 699-5130

press release

SIP Forum Welcomes New Telecom Leaders to its Board of Directors as the Industry Addresses Illegal Robocalls and Caller ID Spoofing

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Forum, a group that works directly with service providers and equipment vendors to develop the best practices for deploying the SIP-based framework end to end in the United States, has elected iconectiv’s CTO Chris Drake to its Board of Directors alongside industry leaders from AT&T, Verizon, Lumen, Comcast, Cox Communications, and Microsoft. As a member of the Board of Directors, Drake will help provide guidance and overall governance of all SIP Forum operations.
Mar 16, 2021
press release

iconectiv CTO Chris Drake Takes Leadership Position with GSMA

Telecommunications services like calls and messages are fundamental to everyday existence, and service providers heavily depend on the availability of affordable and interoperable technologies to meet customer expectations for reliability. The Global System Mobile Association (GSMA) launched a new process for the governance and approval of industry specifications, including the creation of the Industry Specifications Approving Group (ISAG) as the oversight and approval body for all industry specification work. iconectiv’s CTO Chris Drake has been appointed as one of a limited number of non-service provider members of the group. The ISAG consists of senior representatives of the industry and includes service provider and non-service provider GSMA members.
Mar 4, 2021
press release

FCC Confirms Service Provider Safe Harbor for Protecting U.S. Consumers and Businesses from One-Ring “Wangiri” Robocall Scams

One-ring wangiri fraud is a global scourge that’s increased 300 percent over the past few years. Under an FCC Report and Order effective Feb. 12, 2021, U.S. service providers may block calls from telephone numbers that are highly likely to be associated with one-ring robocall scams if they use reasonable analytics in deciding which telephone numbers to block. iconectiv TruNumber Protect gives service providers a cost-effective way to proactively protect their customers by providing essential information for accurately targeting the originators of one-ring and other robocalling scams.
Feb 18, 2021
press release

iconectiv’s Michael O’Brien Appointed to CTIA Wireless Foundation Board of Directors

iconectiv’s Chief Product Officer Michael O’Brien has been appointed to the CTIA Wireless Foundation Board of Directors. As a board member, O’Brien will provide counsel on the direction of the organization and its programs, helping ensure the foundation has the resources to maintain its mission, strategy and goals. An organization committed to supporting the positive social impact of wireless technology, the foundation supports social entrepreneurship through programs for nonprofit and mission-driven enterprises that have big ideas and proven solutions that use wireless technology for the common good.
Jan 27, 2021
press release

Establishing Consumer Trust with a Global Unified Verification Process is the Focus of Two Webinars Featuring Telecom Leaders

In 2019, Americans received more than 58 billion robocalls and 4.5 billion spam text messages according to industry reports, demonstrating the need for the industry to implement a verification strategy across voice, text and digital communication channels to increase trust. Re-establishing trust was the focus of two recent executive panels presented by the Network Media Group (NMG). Featuring experts from iconectiv, Verizon and GSMA, the sessions explore what communication service providers, regulators and enterprises can do to establish a unified verification process.
Jan 15, 2021
press release

Addressing the Financial and Reputational Impact of Trust in RCS Business-to-Consumer Messaging

Rich Business Messaging powered by Rich Communication Services (RCS) has the potential to create a relationship with consumers that are both virtual and uniquely personal, but for companies to realize the benefits, consumer trust must be inherent from the start. In this GSMA webinar, iconectiv’s Chief Product Officer Michael O’Brien will explore the positive financial and reputational impact that RCS can have on a company’s business messaging strategy.
Jan 11, 2021
press release

SIPNOC 2020 to Highlight Best Practices for Increasing Call Attestation Levels and Omnichannel Verification

In addition to weeding out illegal robocalls and spam, the STIR/SHAKEN framework can be leveraged to help restore call-answer rates for legitimate businesses. At SIPNOC 2020, iconectiv experts will join other industry leaders to provide actionable advice and best practices for enabling the highest level of caller verification and supporting the security of the next-generation of communications technology.
Dec 3, 2020

In the news


Interview with NBC: Tips to avoid scams this holiday season

NBC Austin’s Sam Stark warns viewers of scams to be aware of going into the holiday shopping season. In an interview, Senior Vice President at iconectiv, George Cray, recommends that viewers look to short codes, as opposed to 10-digit phone numbers, as a sign of legitimacy. Companies must undergo a vetting process to obtain a short code, and in the event the company violates the terms, they must surrender the code. Cray also advises viewers that texts with a sense of urgency or a link are likely scams.
Nov 22, 2022

Interview with CBS: Avoiding Holiday Text Scams

CBS Chattanooga’s Nick Hill reports on how fraudsters are taking advantage of the holiday shopping season through texting scams. iconectiv’s Senior Vice President, George Cray, shares expert information on how to protect against these scammers. CBS explains the concept of smishing: text messages that are designed to install spyware or steal other personal data. Cray advises viewers to beware of text messages with links and a sense of urgency. Hill describes the common situations these hackers will try to present, including verifying gift cards, falsely claiming delivery delays, or claiming they need more information to complete a delivery.
Nov 14, 2022

Interview with CBS: TECH BYTE: Don’t Fall for Political Texting Scams

CBS Chattanooga’s TECH BYTE reports on how fraudsters are taking advantage of the election season through texting scams. iconectiv’s Senior Vice President, George Cray, shares expert information on how to protect against these scammers. Cray explains how Americans lost $86 million last election cycle from texting scams, and this year could be even worse. Money isn’t the only thing scammers are after, viewers are also warned to watch out for scammers spreading misinformation.
Nov 4, 2022

Interview with CBS: Scammers cracking down, jumping into your phone with political texts as elections inch closer

Steve Sbraccia of CBS Raleigh reports on how scammers are taking advantage of the election season to steal personal information. iconectiv’s Senior Vice President, George Cray, shares expert information on how to protect against these scammers. Cray advises viewers to be wary of texts with a sense of urgency and sent from 10-digit numbers. Real candidates and campaigns can undergo a vetting process to obtain a 5/6-digit number (a short code), making these numbers more trustworthy for voters.
Oct 28, 2022

Tips for protecting yourself against political texting fraud

Terrence Lee of FOX Chicago reports on the increasing amount of text scams sent out as election season gets underway. In a live interview, iconectiv’s Senior Vice President, George Cray, provides expert tips on identifying scam text messages sent from fraudsters posing as candidates or campaigns. Cray warns viewers to watch out for requests for personal data, embedded links and messages with a sense of urgency. Cray also explains that text messages from 5/6-digit numbers (short codes) are more reputable due to the vetting process candidates/campaigns undergo to obtain the code.
Oct 24, 2022

Be Careful, Those Political Texts Could Be a Scam

Kim Baldonado of NBC 4 LA reports on political text messaging fraud. She warns that scammers pose as political candidates or campaigns and use this ruse to get money and personal information from voters. In an interview, iconectiv’s Senior Vice President, George Cray, explains how consumers can protect themselves – listing red flags to watch out for. For example, Cray warns that text messages sent from an unknown 10-digit number asking for personal information are likely from fraudsters.
Oct 21, 2022

Telecom heroes unite! – iconectiv joining forces with a legion of fraud fighters

In this post, CFCA encourages their members to identify themselves as a trusted communications superhero. Learn how the Fraud Fighters and Identification Verifiers can protect consumers’ money and identity with the help of iconectiv’s tools TruNumber Protect, PortData Validate, TruReach Certify and TruReach Intel.
Sep 30, 2022