In the news


CCA’s Annual Excellence in Marketing Awards Honor Innovative and Creative Campaigns

Denver - April 10, 2019 – Competitive Carriers Association (CCA) today announced the winners of its 2019 Annual Excellence in Marketing Awards at CCA’s Mobile Carriers Show, taking place April 8-10 at the Gaylord Rockies. The Awards recognize members' most effective and innovative marketing campaigns. The annual Excellence in Marketing Awards honor one carrier member and one associate member in the following categories: animated online video; online advertising, print advertising, radio…
Apr 11, 2019

Glenn Reynolds Featured in Federal Communications Bar Association Newsletter

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down to lunch with Glenn Reynolds. Glenn is well-known throughout the FCBA and in December 2017, Glenn started the DC office for iconectiv as the Head of Governmental and Industry Affairs. As the entity that holds the contract for national number portability, iconectiv has plenty of issues keeping Glenn busy. Beyond his current work, however, over the years Glenn has had a wide range of different work experiences, moving among law firms, federal government…
Apr 10, 2019

What Your Texting Vendor Probably Isn’t Telling You

I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve had to tell someone that sending broadcast text messages from a regular phone number is a big no, no. These conversations are a constant reminder of just how far texting has evolved as a campaign tactic. Once a novelty, it’s now a necessary day-to-day tool that most campaigns use as part of their supporter and fundraising cultivation programs, as well as for field through their volunteer organizing and voter outreach campaigns. But with so…
Mar 20, 2019

Community Demos at ONS to Highlight LFN Project Harmonization and More

A little more than one year since LF Networking (LFN)came together, the project continues to demonstrate strategic growth, with Telstra coming on in November, and the umbrella project representing ~70% of the world’s mobile subscribers. Working side by side with service providers in the technical projects has been critical to ensure that work coming out of LFN is relevant and useful for meeting their requirements. A small sample of these integrations and innovations will be on display once…
Mar 18, 2019

DHS efforts to ensure a secure supply chain

Director Bob Kolasky from the National Risk Management Center outlines the goals and priorities of the Department of Homeland Security’s new Supply Chain Security Task Force. Watch the video.
Mar 17, 2019

Chris Drake Provides Expert Insights for Reply All Podcast

iconectiv CTO Chris Drake’s insights on robocalling and the national STIR/SHAKEN initiative were used in a recent Reply All podcast, episode #138, The Great Momo Panic. The podcasters discuss how robocallers are able to spoof telephone numbers and what can be done about it. Jump to the 18:40 mark to hear the discussion. Listen to the podcast.
Mar 14, 2019

5G, RCS and virtual everything – key themes from Mobile World Congress 2019

While AI and robot-themed exhibits continued to draw crowds, the event also focused on the current challenges facing service providers – namely how to accelerate the global rollout of 5G while also adapting to changing business models.
Mar 7, 2019

Press Releases

Media Contact:
Sharon Oddy
Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications
+1 732 699-5130

press release

The Challenges and Opportunities of SHAKEN Going Global

Translation of telecommunication services to foreign lands may take some time to progress and evolve into a maintained functional system. This is the case with SHAKEN as its state-of-the-art blocking of traffic from voice service providers not listed in the Robocall Mitigation Database may lead to numbers from different countries to be seen as robocalls. In this panel at the STIR/SHAKEN Summit, experts from ATIS, Fierce Wireless, iconectiv, Microsoft and Twilio discussed what service providers must do to prepare for the  FCC’s September 28 deadline.
Sep 21, 2021
press release

How to Detect and Protect Against One-Ring “Wangiri” Fraud

Creating an illegal $1.82 billion industry, “Wangiri” fraud, also known as one-ring scam, targets unassuming victims by intentionally hanging up after one ring in the hope people call back—charging them at a premium rate. As part of Conecta Latam’s Telco Transformation Digital Summit and Virtual Expo, iconectiv’s Juan Carlos Ortiz, Principal for Corporate Business Development, will explore how iconectiv’s TruNumber Protect helps enable telephone companies enhance their call-blocking analytics to identify and prevent illegitimate calls before they reach customers.
Sep 17, 2021
press release

A Successful Pilot: iconectiv, CTIA, Metaswitch and Verizon Address the Benefits of a Centralized Industry Registry for Verifying Voice Calls

Lack of caller verification is one of the largest problems that is causing individuals to not answer their phone. If they do not see who is calling them then they are less likely to pick up at all. With calls answered rates reaching the lowest it has ever been in a long time, it is to the upmost importance that proper authentication gets back into phone calls. Executives from CTIA, iconectiv, Metaswitch and Verizon covered a recent trial run of Registered Caller™ at the 2021 STIR/SHAKEN Summit and conversed about what it will offer to fix the declining answered rates.
Sep 8, 2021
press release

AT&T, CTIA and iconectiv Discuss Efforts to Mitigate robocalls in the U.S.

With the rise of unwanted robocalls, ignored or blocked legitimate calls have a negative impact on U.S. companies and consumers. To solve this challenge, iconectiv in partnership with CTIA created Registered Caller™—the industry-backed centralized registry for verifying voice calls. Registered Caller ensures that business entities and the telephone numbers they use get vetted, registered and verified, helping prevent legitimate calls from getting blocked or flagged as spam. In this Network Media Group panel, experts from AT&T, CTIA and iconectiv explore how this helps maintain the integrity of one of our most vital methods of communication—voice calls—by providing voice service providers with a single source of truth for verified caller information.
Aug 25, 2021
press release

iconectiv Recognized for Exceptional Robocall Mitigation Technology that Restores Trust Across Voice Communications

iconectiv’s TruReach Certify have been selected as a recipient of the 2021 Communications Solutions Product of the Year Award by TMC. One of TMC’s most coveted awards, it honors the forward thinking that TruReach Certify brings to the telecommunications industry as the first deployment of a STIR/SHAKEN-based robocall mitigation solution. Through the implementation of TruReach Certify, consumers have confidence that the information displayed on their devices is legitimate, empowering them to make educated decisions when answering calls.
Aug 12, 2021
press release

As Distributed Workstyles Grow, iconectiv TruNumber Routing Helps Ensure Calls and Text Messages are Delivered Accurately and Cost-Effectively in 84 Countries

The pandemic’s impact on business continuity and workstyles has increased enterprises’ reliance on telecommuting and other highly distributed workforces. This trend also increases the need to ensure that calls and text messages are always routed correctly to wherever employees are based. iconectiv’s TruNumber Routing helps service providers ensure that their enterprise customers’ calls and messages are routed correctly and via the least-cost routes. TruNumber Routing provides optimal routing and rating data for 84 countries, including Canada, Ghana, India, Japan, Spain, South Korea and the United States.
Aug 5, 2021
press release

Legitimate Businesses, Telephone Companies Now Have More Options to Present Verified Caller ID to Consumers

A recent announcement of approval for the use of Delegate Certificates from Secure Telephone Identity Governance Authority (STI-GA) revealed that there may be a clearer and more concise path to ending the headache that is robocalls. Delegate Certificates opens the door for newer technologies that can combat robocalls such as Registered Caller™. Businesses that rely on phone calls to consumers, call-answer rates, and customer satisfaction have taken a hit with the ever growing robocall rates. CTIA in partnership iconectiv will continue to work on Registered Caller™ to take down the hinderance of robocalls and get business and phone calls back on track.
Jul 26, 2021