In the news


FCC deadline for STIR/SHAKEN caller ID authentication nears

The wireless industry is working to combat robocalls and Wednesday, June 30, marks the FCC deadline for carriers and other voice providers to implement STIR/SHAKEN caller ID authentication technology. STIR/SHAKEN is a protocol that helps digitally authenticate phone numbers to verify that a call is indeed coming from the number shown on a caller ID. It’s a technology used against illegal spoofing, a technique robocallers sometimes use in order to appear like a call is coming from a…
Jun 29, 2021

FCC deadline for STIR/SHAKEN caller ID authentication nears

The wireless industry is working to combat robocalls and Wednesday, June 30, marks the FCC deadline for carriers and other voice providers to implement STIR/SHAKEN caller ID authentication technology. STIR/SHAKEN is a protocol that helps digitally authenticate phone numbers to verify that a call is indeed coming from the number shown on a caller ID. It’s a technology used against illegal spoofing, a technique robocallers sometimes use in order to appear like a call is coming from a…
Jun 29, 2021

How businesses can protect their brands and bottom lines against damage from illegal robocalls

March 17, 2021 was a milestone in the war on illegal robocalls. The FCC levied a $225 million fine — the largest in its history — on a telemarketer for making 1 billion illegal robocalls. On the same day, the FCC launched its Robocall Response Team, whose 51 staffers will step up enforcement and develop policies to help track down illegal robocallers. And finally, the FCC issued cease-and-desist letters to six voice service providers for allowing their networks to pass illegal robocalls. …
May 28, 2021

Driving Sales Transformation At iconectiv

Peter Ford is Executive Vice President of Global Sales at iconectiv, a Private Equity backed company that offers solutions that enable the interconnection of networks, devices, and applications to the communications industry. Ford is a veteran sales leader with a reputation for taking a highly disciplined, customer-focused, and results-driven approach to sales. He joined iconectiv in 2018 to accelerate the company’s international strategy and since that time has transformed the sales…
May 27, 2021

Member Spotlight | May, 2021

iconectiv joined PACE to become part of a community that advocates and promotes best practices for companies relying on contact centers to communicate with customers. It is becoming progressively more difficult for contact centers to connect and engage with consumers because of the decline of consumer trust in voice communications—particularly as consumers increasing ignore calls from unknown callers. As an authoritative partner of the global communications industry connecting more than two…
May 26, 2021

5G and Common Language levels the playing field to new players, creates opportunity, Podcast

“Very simply we (iconectiv) keep the world connected,” says Sharon Dileo, iconectiv’s Director of Product Management. In this podcast Dileo is joined by Chris Bain, Director, Common Language Services at iconectiv, as we look at recent whitepaper findings and how a common naming strategy improves the effectiveness of real-time network operations and key business management functions while also bringing increased awareness when launching and managing new network-based services. Anyone who wants…
May 21, 2021

Why ‘common language’ could clarify the DSP route through network complexity

The ‘iconectiv TruOps Common Language’ is another constructed language but it is attempting to do something rather different. It’s about nailing down technical nomenclature and language with specific meanings so that all those who have to grapple with technical complexity can at least do so while singing from the same hymn sheet (to mix at least 2 metaphors). The similarity with Esperanto is that, rather than waiting for language and meaning to evolve organically, it puts  definitions…
Apr 30, 2021

Press Releases

Media Contact:
Sharon Oddy
Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications
+1 732 699-5130

press release

Telecom Industry Experts to Discuss Service Provider Transformation at NFV Workshop in Santiago, Chile

Bridgewater, N.J. – October 11, 2017 – Representatives of Chilean service providers and other telecom industry leaders will be participating in a collaborative workshop led by iconectiv, in Santiago, Chile tomorrow, Oct. 12, 2017.  Experts from iconectiv, an authoritative partner of the global communications industry connecting more than two billion people every day, will be on hand to discuss the current state of service provider transformation, including network function virtualization …
Oct 11, 2017
press release

iconectiv Emphasizes Need for IoT Interoperability for Reliable Functionality and Security at oneM2M Industry Day in India

Chris Drake, CTO of iconectiv, an authoritative partner of the global communications industry connecting more than two billion people every day, will participate in a panel discussing “The Role and Value Proposition of oneM2M in the IoT Standards Landscape” today during oneM2M Industry Day in Bangalore, India. Sharing the panel with executives from Qualcomm, Nokia, Huawei and C-DOT, Drake will emphasize the often overlooked need to adopt broad internet of things (IoT) interoperability and…
Sep 20, 2017
press release

iconectiv’s Natalie McNamer Appointed to Key Oversight Roles for Leading Communications Association

McNamer to lead two industry groups for ATIS involving international subscriber identities and numbering. Bridgewater, NJ – September 13, 2017– Demonstrating iconectiv’s continuing leadership in the global communications industry, Industry Relations Manager Natalie McNamer has been elected to leadership positions in two significant groups of the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS), an influential standards body based in Washington D.C.  McNamer will become chair of…
Sep 13, 2017
press release

Fragmented IoT ecosystems are destined for connectivity, interoperability and security problems

Presentation spotlights grim future for disjointed IoT networks if no action is taken SAN FRANCISCO , CA – September 11, 2017 – The often overlooked need to adopt broad Internet of Things (IoT) interoperability and connectivity standards, will be highlighted by iconectiv CTO Chris Drake at the debut of GSMA’s Mobile World Congress Americas conference in San Francisco. CA, on Tuesday, Sept. 12. As the authoritative partner of the global communications industry, connecting more than two…
Sep 11, 2017
press release

Short Codes Get New Lease with Redesigned Website

WASHINGTON – The Short Code Registry today announced the official relaunch of its website, Beyond the refreshed, modernized design, the Short Code Registry website’s enhanced navigation allows users to more easily access the information they need to execute a successful short code campaign:       •    Find a Code: Search for available short codes or get one recommended for you.       •    Campaign Types:…
Sep 7, 2017
press release

Amid TCPA Fines and Lawsuits, Discussion will Deliver Consumer Outreach Insights for Brands and Call Centers

Record-breaking multi-million dollar fines and legal settlements have led organizations of all sizes to rethink consumer outreach strategies and how best to navigate TCPA legal pitfalls.  BRIDGEWATER, N.J. – August 22, 2017 –  iconectiv, an authoritative partner of the global communications industry, connecting more than two billion people every day, is spearheading efforts to educate and advise brands, contact centers and businesses of all sizes on the severe legal vulnerabilities…
Aug 22, 2017
press release

Communications Association Intensifies Anti-fraud Efforts

Stephen Ornadel Elected to Board to address communications fraud that continues to plague residential and commercial customers and drive costs for carriers. Bridgewater, NJ – August 21, 2017 – iconectiv, an authoritative partner of the global communications industry, connecting more than two billion people every day, today announced that Stephen Ornadel, Director of Business Development EMEA, has been elected to the Communications Fraud Control Association (CFCA) Board of Directors. Ornadel…
Aug 21, 2017