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Registered Caller™ & Centralized Telephone Number Registry

Register caller, the nation's new telephone registry from CTIA and iconectiv helps call centers and enterprises mitigate robocalls and increase their call answer rates. This energy session we'll discuss the registered caller and centralized telephone number registry and how it helps maintain the integrity of one of our most important methods of communication, that's voice calls that by providing voice service providers with verified caller information On this session is Andrew Jersey, he's a principal member of the technical staff at AT&T, also from AT&T is Linda Vandeloop, she's associate vice president of external affairs and regulatory. We also have Chris Drake, he's chief technology officer at iconectiv and lastly, we have John Marinho, he's vice president of technology and cybersecurity at CTIA and they represent the US wireless communications industry, and everyone welcome to the program.

Read the full transcript or watch the summit here.