Press Releases

Media Contact:
Sharon Oddy
Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications
+1 732 699-5130

press release

U.S. Federal Agencies Can Quickly and Accurately Compare Telecom Providers Before Ordering Services Through the GSA

It is time consuming for federal agencies to research and compare dozens of telecom service providers. That’s why the U.S. General Services Administration created the Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) program, which provides agencies with a single, convenient resource for quickly identifying their options. A new use case explores how iconectiv’s Common Language enables agencies to quickly, accurately and confidently compare their options before ordering services through the GSA.
Jan 20, 2022
press release

A Single Fraudulent Call Cost A Major Retailer $400,000. Here’s What It Did Next.

Retailers and other businesses lose an average of $1.82 billion annually to callback fraud, according to the Communications Fraud Control Association. A newly released iconectiv use case describes how one major retailer that lost $400,000 in a single callback fraud incident, opted to address the issue by banning all callbacks to the country where the fraud originated before realizing that there were other, more customer-first options available. The use case explains how the retailer trialed iconectiv® TruNumber Protect, which features a comprehensive, continually updated database of high-risk and unallocated telephone number ranges worldwide, that enables retailers to assess situations as they come and protect themselves from fraud.
Jan 13, 2022
press release

MNP Interconnection Telecom Solutions India Passes 300 Million Ported Numbers Milestone

Mobile number porting frees India’s consumers and businesses to keep their mobile number when switching service providers. Mobile Number Portability (MNP) is good for businesses, consumers and the industry because it provides customers with choices, which drives competition and innovation. Since 2011, MNP Interconnection Telecom Solutions India (MITS), an iconectiv subsidiary, has managed over 300 million port requests across its 575 million subscribers throughout Zone 2.
Jan 4, 2022
press release

AT&T and iconectiv Examine Foundational Ways to Monetize And Operationalize 5G Deployments And Services

Despite the operational and monetization challenges service providers face in the deployment of business strategies involving 5G, operational improvements and savings can be realized across all industries. In a recent Network Media Group panel, experts from iconectiv and AT&T explore the importance of an industry alliance to achieve common goals, common standards and common APIs that will help operational partners reduce complexity as well as TruOps Common Language as the foundational element that allows AT&T to deploy new services more rapidly.
Dec 1, 2021
press release

Workshop Series Examines Global Measures to Restore Consumer Trust in Communications

Robocalling is a world-wide epidemic that affects businesses and consumers in every corner of the globe. With the successful launch of STIR/SHAKEN in the U.S., robocalls are now in a continued decline. As the policy administrator of STIR/SHAKEN, iconectiv's Chris Drake, alongside global leaders, will join the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) workshop series—improving the security of signaling protocols—to provide an update on the rollout of the STIR/SHAKEN framework in the U.S. and how legitimate, global businesses benefit.
Nov 22, 2021
press release

Experts Discuss Verifying Voice Calls And Boosting Consumer Confidence In Communications

In this era, when more than 70% of people have stopped answering voice calls, legitimate businesses need, want and deserve a way to have consumers know that a call is from a trusted calling party. Consumers want that, too. In a recent Network Media Group panel, experts from CTIA, iconectiv and T-Mobile explain how the Secure Telephone Identity Governance Authority (STI-GA) policy change is helping simplify the verification of voice calls—including toll-free numbers—for all legitimate callers.
Nov 16, 2021
press release

How Phone Companies Can Utilize Numbering Intelligence to Improve Customer Satisfaction and Protect Revenue

Local number portability gives consumers the choice and convenience of keeping their wireline or wireless telephone number when switching from one service provider to another. During this USTelecom Webinar, iconectiv will explain the concept of numbering intelligence—a data routing and rating framework that simply and seamlessly determines which phone numbers belong to which phone companies.
Nov 9, 2021