Press Releases

Media Contact:
Sharon Oddy
Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications
+1 732 699-5130

press release

Illegal robocalls, NFV implementation and telecom fraud take center stage for iconectiv at MWC Los Angeles

While future 5G service plans and deployment updates can be expected to capture headlines at the upcoming Mobile World Congress in Los Angeles (October 22-24), iconectiv, a trusted, neutral provider of trusted communications platforms and solutions, – will be drawing attention back to some of the key challenges facing service providers and their customers today.
Oct 17, 2019
press release

The promise and peril of network virtualization

Service providers want the technological flexibility, business agility and savings that Network Function Virtualization (NFV) promises, but they’re frustrated by its implementation complexity and cost and the fact that it requires additional work on top of all their other projects and initiatives.
Oct 16, 2019
press release

Experts Gather to Discuss Cybersecurity and Fraud during National Cyber Security Awareness Month

Top minds in the field will gather on October 16 and 17 at an event in New York City to discuss how to ensure that all Americans and businesses have the resources they need to be safer and more secure.
Oct 11, 2019
press release

Putting Trust Back into Communications takes Center Stage at Communications Fraud Conference

Robocalls make up nearly half of all phone calls so frustrated consumers simply don’t answer incoming calls and businesses can’t get through to customers when they need to reach them. At the same time, phone numbers have become the defacto personal identifier for consumers and—if verified— can provide valuable information for companies looking to mitigate risk. As communications security professionals gather at this year’s Communications Fraud Control Association’s (CFCA) annual convention, iconectiv will highlight the role of trusted communications and how the industry is working together to maintain the integrity of the phone number to protect businesses and businesses.
Oct 10, 2019
press release

CCA Convention discusses how illegal robocalls compromise communications; iconectiv stresses need to protect the legitimate as well as block the fake

Glenn Reynolds, Head of Government and Industry Affairs at iconectiv, will be among several industry stakeholders to highlight policy-related issues, including the progress being made in scam and spam robocall mitigation, one of the top issues impacting carriers today and a key focus of the 116th Congress during its first nine months.
Sep 17, 2019
press release

iconectiv to Serve as US Policy Administrator to Mitigate Illegal Robocalls

iconectiv, the authoritative partner of the communications industry, has signed the agreement to serve as U.S. Secure Telephone Identity Policy Administrator (STI-PA) for the FCC-endorsed ATIS-SIP Forum SHAKEN (Signature-based Handling of Asserted information using toKENs) — the industry-wide solution to mitigate illegal robocalls and help consumers once again trust their calling number displayed on their caller ID.
Aug 28, 2019
press release

iconectiv Makes Key Contribution to ONAP Open Source to Help Accelerate Mobile Network Virtualization

Published ahead of the industry’s Open Networking Summit next month in Antwerp, Belgium, the latest release of international specifications to help build future software-led mobile networks includes a key contribution from iconectiv®, a company which provides information services that help service providers operate and manage their communications networks globally. The specifications have been published by the LF Networking’s Open Network Automation Platform (ONAP) to help combine and drive industry progress toward delivering new services quickly and cost-efficiently using network functions virtualization (NFV) over software-defined mobile networks within an open source framework.
Aug 27, 2019