Press Releases

Media Contact:
Sharon Oddy
Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications
+1 732 699-5130

press release

iconectiv’s Michael O’Brien Appointed to CTIA Wireless Foundation Board of Directors

iconectiv’s Chief Product Officer Michael O’Brien has been appointed to the CTIA Wireless Foundation Board of Directors. As a board member, O’Brien will provide counsel on the direction of the organization and its programs, helping ensure the foundation has the resources to maintain its mission, strategy and goals. An organization committed to supporting the positive social impact of wireless technology, the foundation supports social entrepreneurship through programs for nonprofit and mission-driven enterprises that have big ideas and proven solutions that use wireless technology for the common good.
Jan 27, 2021
press release

Establishing Consumer Trust with a Global Unified Verification Process is the Focus of Two Webinars Featuring Telecom Leaders

In 2019, Americans received more than 58 billion robocalls and 4.5 billion spam text messages according to industry reports, demonstrating the need for the industry to implement a verification strategy across voice, text and digital communication channels to increase trust. Re-establishing trust was the focus of two recent executive panels presented by the Network Media Group (NMG). Featuring experts from iconectiv, Verizon and GSMA, the sessions explore what communication service providers, regulators and enterprises can do to establish a unified verification process.
Jan 15, 2021
press release

Addressing the Financial and Reputational Impact of Trust in RCS Business-to-Consumer Messaging

Rich Business Messaging powered by Rich Communication Services (RCS) has the potential to create a relationship with consumers that are both virtual and uniquely personal, but for companies to realize the benefits, consumer trust must be inherent from the start. In this GSMA webinar, iconectiv’s Chief Product Officer Michael O’Brien will explore the positive financial and reputational impact that RCS can have on a company’s business messaging strategy.
Jan 11, 2021
press release

SIPNOC 2020 to Highlight Best Practices for Increasing Call Attestation Levels and Omnichannel Verification

In addition to weeding out illegal robocalls and spam, the STIR/SHAKEN framework can be leveraged to help restore call-answer rates for legitimate businesses. At SIPNOC 2020, iconectiv experts will join other industry leaders to provide actionable advice and best practices for enabling the highest level of caller verification and supporting the security of the next-generation of communications technology.
Dec 3, 2020
press release

Black Swan Telecom Journal Q&A Explores Growth Opportunities for Text-Enabled Toll-Free Numbers in North America

Texting has become the preferred form of communication among consumers, with 93 percent recognizing it as a trusted channel. In a recent interiew with iconectiv’s Senior Account Director Michael Gilbert, industry analyst and Black Swan Telecom Journal Editor Dan Baker discusses growth in text message engagement and how text-enabled toll-free phone numbers are creating an opportunity for businesses to boost brand reputation, improve customer service and tap into new revenue streams.
Nov 20, 2020
press release

GSMA Thrive North America Virtual Panel Addresses the Future of the RCS Business-to-Consumer Messaging

During GSMA Thrive North America’s virtual panel, RCS Live: The Rich Future of Business Messaging, iconectiv Senior Director of Product Management Cliff Holsenbeck will join a panel of industry experts to discuss the current state of RCS and lessons learned in other markets that can be applied in the U.S. This will include highlighting real-world results from live RCS campaigns; the commercial opportunities and market potential for the platform; the strategic vision for RCS and the importance of business verification to ensure consumer trust from day one.
Oct 29, 2020
press release

Learn Why Trust is Critical for the Success of Rich Business Messaging at PACE ACX Virtual 2020

Fortune 500 companies and some of the world’s biggest brands are currently exploring Rich Communication Services (RCS) to provide consumers with a deeper, more interactive experience than that offered by traditional SMS texting. At PACE ACX Virtual 2020, iconectiv CTO Chris Drake will describe how brand and logo verification and authentication can and must be part of the foundation for RCS, enabling legitimate businesses to protect their customer experience, reputation and bottom line.
Sep 28, 2020