In the news


SHAKEN/STIR: Finally! A Solution to Caller ID Spoofing?

Fraud and abuse in the form of robocalling, and more specifically illegally spoofed calling, is the No. 1 consumer complaint to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
Nov 13, 2019

The Rise and Fall of Robocalling

iconectiv’s CTO, Chris Drake participated on a panel at MWC Los Angeles discussing state of play for robocalling in 2019. Over the years, there has a been a growing problem for consumers with robocalling and spoofing phone numbers. On this panel, Chris discusses the state of robocalling in 2019 and what the solutions are for spoofing as bad actors continue to work around industry policies and implementations. He also discusses what consumers can expect from the private and public sectors, to help carriers mitigate the rise of robocalling.
Nov 4, 2019

Businesses See a Sales Lift with Texting

As today’s younger generations move towards texting to communicate, companies are also shifting in that direction.
Oct 28, 2019

“Moments Matter” in Blocking Identity Fraud: Why Number Porting Data is a Vital Tool in Stopping Account Takeovers

Kathy Timko’s interview with Black Swan Telecom Journal provides insight into why number porting data is a vital tool in stopping account takeovers.
Oct 25, 2019

NFV information as a service making virtualization practical, simple and telco-grade

Network Function Virtualization (NFV) promises unprecedented technological flexibility, business agility and savings. Realizing the benefits that NFV promises creates some hurdles for service providers who can be stymied by the initial complexity and cost of integrating the thousands of potential Network Function Virtual Infrastructure (NFVI) and Virtual Network Function (VNF) combinations from dozens of vendors into their network. Standards bodies are working to address the onboarding…
Oct 16, 2019

“At the end of the day, it’s not about being the smartest person in the room” with Kathy Timko and Fotis Georgiadis

Kathy Timko’s Q&A with Medium about being a strong female leader.
Sep 24, 2019

Combating Robocalling with STIR/SHAKEN

Chris Drake, CTO of iconectiv speaks to MEF CEO Dario Betti about their work in the US comms market and the challenges facing the industry regarding telecoms fraud.
Sep 20, 2019