get your calls answered
Verified phone numbers helps get your calls answered possible.
Businesses and call centers that require a phone to reach customers, need their calls delivered and answered. That seems simple enough, but with billions of spam calls received and $39 billion lost to spam calls in 2023 alone, it is an increasingly challenging task for legitimate businesses worldwide. Left unaddressed, spam and illegal robocalls pose a significant challenge for legitimate businesses trying to reach consumers with important information. It also costs businesses and phone companies time and money investigating and combating fraud and nuisance calls.
To remedy the problem, it is best to first understand why phone calls can get blocked and how standard-based centralized registries and nationally deployed robocall mitigation efforts like STIR/SHAKEN can help.
STIR/SHAKEN is a framework that specifies a practical mechanism for communications service providers (CSPs) to authenticate calls and let consumers know that the information displayed on their caller ID is verified. Using a centralized registry, the phone number registration process is streamlined, enabling phone companies to more effectively verify the integrity and accuracy of calling number data This enables legitimate callers to more easily be identified, which can help make business phone calls known to the recipient and can improve Net Promoter Scores (NPS) by getting calls answered more frequently.
Secure Telephony Identity Revisited (STIR) is a standard established by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) that defines a signature to verify the caller number and the mode of transmission in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). It focuses on adding a digital certificate to the SIP information used to initiate and route calls in VoIP systems.
Signature-based Handling of Asserted information using toKENs (SHAKEN) is a specification framework. Designed to mitigate illegal robocalls, it provides guidelines for handling VoIP calls that have incorrect or missing STIR data and combines a trusted caller ID authentication process with an automated traceback capability to reduce the impact of illegal spoofing.
how iconectiv is working with STIR/SHAKEN
The United States was the first country in the world to implement a national calling number verification service. It was established by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Secure Telephone Identity Governance Authority (STI-GA) and the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS).
Based on the SHAKEN framework, the U.S. Calling Number Verification Service helps mitigate illegal robocalls and Caller ID spoofing via a cryptographic digital exchange between CSPs or RespOrgs and Certification Authorities. iconectiv serves as the Secure Telephone Identity Policy Administrator (STI-PA), responsible for applying and enforcing the rules that operationalize the SHAKEN framework.
With national and international SHAKEN deployments, iconectiv helps legitimate business continue to meaningfully engage with their customers. Whether looking for a nationwide framework or just a guarantee that calls terminating in jurisdictions that have implemented SHAKEN, such as the U.S., are verified upon arrival, iconectiv can help ensure caller ID verification meets industry standards, works between CSPs and is accepted across geographic borders.
iconectiv’s standards-based fraud prevention, robocall mitigation solutions

deploying a nationwide robocall mitigation solution
TruReach Certify
The iconectiv platform verifies, confirms, manages and supports the issuance of digital certificates for use in the SHAKEN framework and ensures that only authorized CSPs and RespOrgs are able to obtain digital certificates from authorized Certification Authorities. As a result, legitimate calls within a country can be verified, so people know and trust that caller ID information is accurate, and the digital identity of the caller has been verified.

have business caller ID verified in countries that deployed STIR/SHAKEN
Cross Border Call Authentication
Cross Border Call Authentication is a market-leading solution that facilitates CSPs participation in the caller ID verification ecosystem and helps legitimate callers get their callerID shown as authentic to recipients in countries that have deployed the on SHAKEN framework. As a result, legitimate calls coming into a country that has deployed the standard robocall mitigation standard can be verified so recipients have confidence that the caller ID information of international calls is accurate.

have a country's phone numbers verified in countries with STIR/SHAKEN
The SHAKEN framework can be used for calls that originate and terminate within the same country, as well as, for calls that originate in one country and terminate in another. For example, Brazil, Canada, France and the United States have already implemented SHAKEN for all IP-based voice calls. As such, caller ID verification can be securely conveyed between these countries since they have a SHAKEN-based framework implemented.
Maximize call answer rates
Use Case
Combat illegal spoofing
Robocalling techniques
frequently asked questions
- What is STIR/SHAKEN?
STIR/SHAKEN is a framework that specifies a practical mechanism for CSPs to authenticate calls and let consumers know that the information displayed on their caller ID is verified.
- What is the SHAKEN Framework?
The SHAKEN framework is a set of specifications that, when implemented, helps CSPs verify caller IDs between networks to enhance their efforts to mitigate robocalling and spoofing. It serves as a trust anchor to ensure the exchange of digital certificates is limited to authorized CSPs. With this service, terminating CSPs are able to recognize when caller IDs are authentic and have not been tampered with by outside parties.
- What is Anti-Spoofing and Robocalling Mitigation?
Anti-Spoofing and Robocalling Mitigation refer to the initiatives being put in place to protect you from unwelcome calls. Learn about FCC mitigation efforts.
- What is the Attestation Gap? Why should I care?
The SHAKEN standard and framework attach a digital signature to a voice call that helps give consumers confidence that it is from a verified and legitimate business. Calls are given labels (called “attestations”) – A, B and C. The “A” label indicates that a caller’s identity is fully verified. Partial “B” or Gateway “C” attestations will not receive a “verified caller” label.
- What is TruReach Certify?
TruReach Certify is platform at the foundation of the world’s first deployment of a STIR/SHAKEN-based robocall mitigation solution. TruReach Certify ensures caller ID information is authenticated and verified.
Learn how TruReach Certify authenticates legitimate calls.
- What is TruReach Intel?
TruReach Intel is a centralized telephone number registry that helps mitigate illegal and unwanted robocalls and increase call completion rates by providing Voice Service Providers with enterprise caller information they can trust.
Legitimate businesses that are communicating via voice calls, text messages and/or chatbots can use this solution to improve their reach to end users by verifying their identity. Examples of the types of businesses that may benefit from this solution include service providers, call centers, messaging companies and enterprises.