the Pulse
iconectiv's blog, the Pulse, features thought leadership pieces and articles about telecommunications industry trends, including fraud prevention, digital identity verification and efficient call routing,providing insights into industry challenges and solutions.

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Press Releases

Media Contact:
Sharon Oddy
Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications
+1 732 699-5130

press release

New Messaging Solution Helps Companies Avoid Spamming, Protect Brand Reputations, Focus on Quality Consumer Engagement

iconectiv® Right Party Verification for Messaging is now available, a new service for mobile marketers, messaging aggregators and contact centers to deliver targeted communications, less unwanted spam and happier customers.
Apr 3, 2017
press release

Sangeeta Roy of iconectiv Named to Women in Cable Telecommunications (WICT) 2017 Rising Leaders Program

iconectiv’s Head of Technology Operations Chosen for Immersive Leadership Development Program as One of Industry’s Top Emerging Talent.
Mar 23, 2017
press release

Industry White Paper Addresses Rise of Fraudulent Mobile Account Takeover

Paper examines how validating mobile identity can help financial institutions and service providers curtail widespread consumer fraud.
Mar 23, 2017
press release

Argentina Extends Mobile Number Portability Service Contract

Two-year contract extension with iconectiv subsidiary Administradora de la Portabilidad Argentina S.A. (APA) ensures transparency and reliability for consumers and businesses that maintain their mobile number when switching providers.
Mar 16, 2017
press release

Argentina extiende el contrato del servicio de portabilidad numérica móvil

La extensión por dos años del contrato con Administradora de la Portabilidad Argentina S.A. (APA), filial de iconectiv, garantiza la transparencia y confiabilidad del proceso mediante el cual los consumidores y las empresas pueden conservar su número de teléfono móvil cuando cambian de prestador movil.
Mar 16, 2017
press release

Detecting, Preventing and Mitigating Fraud on Expanding Service Provider Networks

iconectiv Director of Product Management, Chip Stevens, to Address Communications Fraud Professionals at CFCA Winter Educational Event
Mar 14, 2017
press release

iconectiv to Host Testing Webcast

iconectiv, the next Local Number Portability Administrator (LNPA) for all seven U.S. regions, continues to move forward with the transition of the new Number Portability Administration Center (NPAC) and is preparing to begin the testing phase of the transition for Service Providers, Service Bureaus, and Providers of Telecom-related Services.
Mar 8, 2017

In the news


T-Mobile US brings rich call data to caller ID for more protection against scammers

T-Mobile US recently announced it has completed what it says is the first wireless call to combine authenticated Caller ID and Rich Call Data (RCD), powered by the STIR/SHAKEN framework and protocols to protect consumers from scammers. The call was performed with a premier group of tech firms, messaging industry stakeholders and voice service providers including iconectiv, First Orion, CTIA, Everbridge, NetNumber, Numeracle, and Twilio. When widely used, RCD will empower consumers with more call information, so they can make the right choices in the moment, stay safe from spam and scammers, and still get important calls.
Jul 19, 2021

What would it take to get you to answer your phone again? T-Mo thinks it has an answer

T-Mobile US recently announced a new technology demonstration that builds upon the verification of STIR/SHAKEN and takes it a step further, to affirmatively identify businesses or organizations who are calling so that they can reach their customers. The demo call was conducted in conjunction with a number of partners including CTIA, First Orion, Everbridge, iconectiv, NetNumber, Numeracle, and Twilio.
Jul 19, 2021

T-Mobile US adds rich data to Caller ID

This Mobile World Live article discusses T-Mobile’s recent announcement surrounding its completion of what is believed to be the first wireless call combining authenticated caller ID with Rich Call Data (RCD), demonstrating a new way for consumers to recognize callers and for marketers to identify themselves to potential customers. T-Mobile partners on the call included First Orion, Everbridge, iconectiv, NetNumber, Numeracle, Twilio and the CTIA.
Jul 16, 2021

A common nomenclature enables new, 5G-powered business models, revenue opportunities (Reader Forum)

5G is extremely complex and has widespread impacts throughout the network. This introduces many challenges but also provides many new business opportunities. In this article, iconectiv’s Chris Bain explains how a common nomenclature enables service providers to describe the capabilities of their infrastructure, locations and other key attributes in an industry-standard way and then share that view across systems and organizations, such as internal business units and external business partners.
Jul 7, 2021

Pace Community Insight with iconectiv

One of the greatest challenges we are facing today is that consumers have lost trust in calls and have stopped answering their phones, often missing important information about healthcare, education and finances. On this PACE Vidcast, iconectiv’s Jonathan Shulman discusses call origination, customer engagement and restoring consumer trust in calls. Jonathan explains how consumers have lost trust in calls, are missing out on important information and what can be done to restore consumer trust in calls.
Jul 7, 2021

FCC deadline for STIR/SHAKEN caller ID authentication nears

The wireless industry is working to combat robocalls and Wednesday, June 30, marks the FCC deadline for carriers and other voice providers to implement STIR/SHAKEN caller ID authentication technology.
Jun 29, 2021

FCC deadline for STIR/SHAKEN caller ID authentication nears

The wireless industry is working to combat robocalls and Wednesday, June 30, marks the FCC deadline for carriers and other voice providers to implement STIR/SHAKEN caller ID authentication technology. In this Fierce Wireless article, Bob Grant discusses iconectiv’s role as industry and policy administrator for SHAKEN and the importance of participating in STIR/SHAKEN for service providers.
Jun 29, 2021