the Pulse
iconectiv's blog, the Pulse, features thought leadership pieces and articles about telecommunications industry trends, including fraud prevention, digital identity verification and efficient call routing,providing insights into industry challenges and solutions.

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Press Releases

Media Contact:
Sharon Oddy
Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications
+1 732 699-5130

press release

Law Enforcement and Public Safety Agencies Must Register immediately to maintain access to number portability data

iconectiv, the next Local Number Portability Administrator (LNPA) for all U.S. regions, reminds law enforcement agencies and Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) that would like to continue having access to number portability data to register with iconectiv immediately.
Jan 3, 2018
press release

Companies Must Register to Maintain access to Wireless Do Not Call Service Data

iconectiv reminds marketing organizations that rely on Intermodal Ported Telephone Number Identification Service, also known as the Wireless Do Not Call (WDNC) service, to register with iconectiv. The new service goes live and replaces the existing service on March 4, 2018.
Jan 3, 2018
press release

iconectiv, Infutor Help Brands Reduce Misdirected, Illegal Robotexts

Robust solutions to ensure brand communications reach  only opted-in customers, helping ensure TCPA compliance to avoid fines and lawsuits 
Dec 12, 2017
press release

Validating Caller ID - A Key Initiative to Keep Customers Answering Your Calls

Unscrupulous telemarketers continue to harass consumers with fraudulent robocalls and spoofed Caller IDs – a top source of FCC and FTC complaints over the past year that is increasing at an alarming rate.
Nov 1, 2017
press release

Illegal Robocalls and Caller ID Spoofing Escalate in the U.S.; Currently Number One Consumer Complaint to the FTC and FCC

Webinar to introduce new strategies to empower contact centers, telemarketers and other consumer engagement professionals to protect consumers and reduce fraud
Oct 23, 2017
press release

The Problem of Unwanted Calls in the Mobile Era Gets an Answer from Telecom Industry Leader in Video

The issue of unwanted phone calls is the top complaint registered with the FCC and FTC as consumers continue to have their lives disrupted day and night.
Oct 18, 2017
press release

Chile Telecom Industry Surpasses 11 Million Successfully Ported Telephone Numbers

Managed by a subsidiary of iconectiv since 2011, Chilean businesses and consumers have embraced convenience of number portability program
Oct 12, 2017

In the news


CSPs look to ramp up revenues with origin-based rating

In this report, Vanilla Plus explores how communications service providers will achieve trust and benefit from origin-based rating. This article highlights how to take advantage of the substantial revenue opportunity from OBR by using iconectiv’s TruNumber Protect.
Sep 21, 2022

Why Rich Call Data is Key for Thwarting Fraudsters and Building Consumer Trust

In a world where consumers are more reluctant than ever to answer calls from unknown numbers, Rich Call Data (RCD) helps legitimate businesses separate themselves from fraudsters and spammers by allowing those businesses to share their name, logo and why they’re calling. This crucial process is done through Registered Caller, a centralized phone number registry developed by iconectiv and CTIA with input from various experts, service providers and industry leaders.
Sep 8, 2022

Well done, Fraud Fighter. I Now Promote You to Superhero of Trusted Communications

Exactly how do you explain your telecom fraud fighter job to someone at a cocktail party? That’s a tough task!  The trouble is it may take time to explain the context – describe how telecom services are delivered and paid for, then show how criminals steal money by corrupting the process. A faster path is to use an analogy and say, “My job is be a kind of detective of crimes committed against telecom providers.” That analogy works, but iconectiv has come up with an even better one.  …
Aug 19, 2022

iconectiv launches Trusted Communications Superhero campaign

The way in which consumers and businesses communicate and how societies operate is a key reason why companies are anticipated to spend US$2.8 trillion on digital transformation globally by 2025. A new infographic from iconectiv breaks down the various obstacles that the communications industry faces and the special powers each of these superheroes possess to combat these challenges.
Aug 1, 2022

Changing your cell phone company without changing your number is now a right

With the development of mobile telephony, cell phone users in Argentina are increasingly using their mobile phones and telephone number as an identifier. That’s why it’s important that consumers are allowed the option to seamlessly change service providers while keeping their original phone number. iconectiv was recently included in an Argentine news article as a trusted number portability authority. iconectiv is proud to offer number portability in over 20 countries across the globe, including Argentina.
May 2, 2022

We need an industry-backed, tech-neutral resource to restore trust in voice communications

With illegal robocalls now representing nearly half of all unwanted calls in the U.S., consumers are opting to simply not pick up their phones. In fact, studies show that in the U.S. alone, 76% of calls from an unidentified or unfamiliar number are left unanswered, and 58% of consumers only answer calls from numbers they recognize. In a recent Help Net Security article, Chris Drake, SVP of Corporate and Business Development at iconectiv, explains the need for a centralized, industry-standard framework, where legitimate numbers can be registered to help avoid confusion, unnecessary costs and inconsistency.
Apr 1, 2022

Scam attacks are on the rise, but can they be fully stopped or prevented?

The Covid pandemic has accelerated not only digital adoption but also the scale and spread of scams. Every month, over 4 billion scam calls are made globally, with 23% of Americans reporting that they have lost money due to such calls in 2021 alone. George Cray, Senior Vice President at iconectiv, is featured in a recent Cybernews article regarding the rise in global scam attacks.
Mar 17, 2022