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New Enhancements for Leasing and Managing Short Codes for Consumer Engagement

BRIDGEWATER, N.J. – April 2, 2018 -- Mobile marketers who use Short Codes to extend the power of their consumer engagement campaigns will now enjoy new features that simplify how codes are leased and managed.  Announced today by CTIA, who manages the country’s Short Code initiative, and iconectiv, the Short Code Registry administrator, the new functionality will be detailed during a free webinar titled Short Code Registry: New Features - Simplifying and Creating a Better Leasing Experience on April 5 at 2 p.m. ET.

The most universally trusted mobile messaging option, Short Codes are five- and six-digit numbers used to securely reach consumers via SMS text messaging. Short Codes are supported by almost all wireless carriers, including Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile and Sprint, in addition to application providers, content providers and aggregators. 

Short Codes are widely used by marketers to enable consumers to immediately respond and interact with a brand or product.  Companies, government agencies, charities and educational institutions use them to reach targeted audiences for a broad range of mobile alerts. They are also used to send banking fraud alerts, appointment reminders, coupons and customer service interactions.

“Short Codes help those who want to engage via mobile, take full advantage of the most popular and ubiquitous feature across all smart phones today – text messaging – and is an incredibly effective tool for maintaining long-term engagement with consumers,” said Alex Berry, Executive Vice President of its Information Solutions Business Unit, iconectiv. “We’ve added new features that enhance the usability and flexibility of the registry and provide  optimum productivity and value to those who use Short Codes for their mobile outreach efforts.”

The Short Code Registry maintains a single database of available, reserved and registered codes.  Marketers interested in learning more about how to enhance their campaigns with Short Codes should visit