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Going on the offense at MWC Barcelona 2025: tackling fintech fraud in an AI and mobile-first era

iconectiv Joins Expert Panel to Explore How Cross-Border Call Authentication, Industry Collaboration and New Technologies Are Allies in the Fight Against Worldwide Scam Activity

What: During a MWC Barcelona 2025 panel session, titled "Collaborating to Fight Back Against the Global Scam Threat,” Michael O’Brien, Executive Vice President, iconectiv, joins top voices in mobile and fintech to tackle the $3 trillion global scam economy fueling organized crime. O’Brien, who brings deep expertise to the frontlines of defending consumers and businesses against this escalating threat, will explore strategies to combat call fraud and spoofing, including the implementation of standards-based regulatory frameworks, cross-border call authentication solutions, AI and other topics.

Why: Fraud fallout is escalating at an alarming pace. In 2023, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) reported a staggering $10 billion in fraud losses—a 14% increase from the previous year – while a recent UN report reveals that hundreds of thousands of individuals have been trafficked to Southeast Asia to operate online scam centers. From deepfake-powered attacks on Know Your Customer (KYC) onboarding to payment fraud, the entire fintech ecosystem is under siege.

Fortunately, global collaboration is gaining momentum with many governments now recognizing scams as a strategic security threat, prompting more unified responses—including the establishment of dedicated scam call centers, the introduction of robust regulatory frameworks and the telecom ecosystem’s use of AI.

This panel session will explore the most pressing threats and highlight how cutting-edge solutions, cross-industry partnerships and technology innovations are helping the industry push back against scammers on a global scale.

Who: Michael O’Brien, Executive Vice President, iconectiv will be participating in the panel, "Collaborating to Fight Back Against the Global Scam Threat.”

iconectiv will be showcasing its secure, trusted communications solutions at MWC Barcelona 2025.

Where/When: MWC Barcelona 2025
iconectiv Exhibition: Hall 2, Stand 201, Fira Gran Via, Barcelona Spain
March 3–6, 2025

Panel Session: “Collaborating to Fight Back Against the Global Scam Threat
Fintech and Mobile Commerce Summit 
Connected Industries Stage, Hall 4, Fira Gran Via, Barcelona
Tuesday, March 4, 2025 

To connect with iconectiv during MWC Barcelona 2025, visit Hall 2, Stand 201, or email