

Securing the Digital Frontier: Navigating Challenges and Best Practices in Digital Identity Verification

iconectiv’s Michael O'Brien will take part in a VanillaPlus webinar on April 23, 2024, at 10 am ET to explore safeguarding phone numbers as a crucial digital identity signal in commerce and communication, addressing authentication and verification challenges in mobile communications.

CFCA’s Spring Educational 2024

Carolyn Knight, iconectiv’s Senior Account Manager, will attend CFCA’s Spring Educational 2024 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, from April 23-25, 2024.

Common Interest Group on Routing and Rating April 2024

iconectiv will host the second Common Interest Group on Rating and Routing (CIGRR) work session of the year from April 23-25, 2024, in Savannah, Georgia.

Cloud Connections 2024

Join iconectiv’s Senior Account Director, Mike Gilbert, EVP Corporate Business Development, Michael O’Brien, and Director of Product Management, Bob Grant, as they attend Cloud Connections 2024 on April 17-19, 2024, in St. Petersburg, Florida.

CCA’s 2024 Mobile Carriers Show

Theresa Feil Sumpter, iconectiv’s Senior Director, will attend CCA’s 2024 Mobile Carriers Show in Palm Springs, California, from April 16-18, 2024.

UK WISPA Spring 2024 Members Meeting

David Wilson, iconectiv’s Vice President of Global Sales, will be speaking at the UK WISPA Spring 2024 Members Meeting in Birmingham, UK, held from March 20-21, 2024.

Common Language® IAB &TAG Meeting

The Common Language International Advisory Board (IAB) and Technical Advisory Group (TAG) will be held March 5-7, 2024, in Alpharetta, GA. The advisory board discusses topics impacting the telecommunications industry, while the TAG session addresses day–to–day operational concerns regarding specific code sets.