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Ericsson's iconectiv moves multi-carrier TDaaS vision forward

Ericsson subsidiary iconectiv (formerly Telcordia) aligns to deliver a range of data services on top of its core interconnection and data services business. It's starting with a handful of telcom big-data-driven services in the area of operator revenue assurance, but it has a clear vision of helping operators move toward monetizing their big-data assets via what 451 calls 'telecom data as a service' (TDaaS) offerings. TDaaS - a nearly $80bn market opportunity by 2020, according to 451 forecasts - has already seen significant operator service launches in mobile advertising and location insights from operators including SingTel, Telefonica, Verizon and Sprint. What has been missing is multi-carrier TDaaS, which brings together data from multiple operators. Business, technical and regulatory challenges have made offering such services a challenge. We recently spoke with iconectiv to hear the latest on its plans to offer - with operator partners - just such services, focused in particular on the fraud, authentication and identity areas. While it remains in the exploratory stage, the vendor said it continues to be 'bullish' on the opportunity, has been invited to participate in some initial operator proposals for such services, and aims to move toward commercial fraud/identity TDaaS service launches as early as next year.

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