speaking engagement
Enterprise-Level Attestation
SHAKEN allows the originating service provider to create a digital signature that attests to the users right to use the telephone number shown in the caller ID. But in today’s network, many enterprise customers control the caller ID without input from the service provider. This creates a challenge: how can the originating service provider determine if the enterprise has the right to use that number?
- Jim McEachern, Principal Technologist, ATIS will provide an overview of ATIS 1000089.v002 and frame the problem of enterprise attestation and identify mechanisms that can help service providers determine attestation. ATIS 1000089.v002 describes several possible solutions.
- Chris Drake, CTO, iconectiv will provide an overview of Enterprise Database a near-term approach discussed in ATIS-1000089.v002.
- Ian Deakin, DLT, ATIS will present an overview of a forward-looking approach to enterprise attestation based on Distributed Ledger Technology.