“Can STIR/SHAKEN End the Spam Robocall Deluge?” – Gary Richenaker joins panel at IT Expo 2020
Spam calls with spoofed caller IDs have reached unprecedented levels, to the point where people simply refuse to answer calls. iconectiv’s Principal Solutions Architect Gary Richenaker will be participating in a panel discussing the robocall epidemic at IT Expo 2020 in Florida.
Reports suggest as many as 4/7 billion robocalls were placed in July in the United States. While the TCPA theoretically should protect against spoofed robocalls, technology has evolved in a way legislators simply could not project almost three decades ago. So, if technology is the problem, it should also be the solution. Enter STIR and SHAKEN standards.
Gary will join this session to discuss the spoofed robocall epidemic, who bears the responsibility for protecting subscribers and how the STIR/SHAKEN framework can help eliminate this growing problem and make it possible to tackle illegal phone number spoofing.
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