Spam or fraud microsite hero

origin-based rating for network service providers

TruNumber Protect enables a global authoritative database of telephone number ranges to authorize proactive mitigation of targeted fraud traffic preventing inbound call attempts.

Make it possible with TruNumber Protect

Network Service Providers can use iconectiv’s TruNumber Protect to simplify and streamline OBR management. Service providers can benefit from a fast, proven way to block calls from high-risk and unallocated number ranges using TruNumber Protect.

Spam and fraud microsite callout one
245 Country Codes. Service more than 31 million customers
Spam and fraud microsite callout two
2+ million mobile, geographic, non geographic, VoIP and Special Service number ranges
Spam and fraud microsite callout three
Saving service providers millions since initial deployment
Spam and fraud microsite callout four
Achieve a payback time of 3 months on initial investment

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Origin-based rating for network service providers

Market Brief

Find out how Origin Based Rating (OBR) can help your company build revenue and combat possible financial penalties.